What makes PLEXSYS an industry leader in modeling and simulation
“We’ve come a long way… from a bet in 1982, that a Zenith-248 computer could make simulated data appear as real radar plots on an operational Command and Control (C2) console… to today, where PLEXSYS’ suite of Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) training solutions are used every day across the globe… to the future, where bold innovation constantly delivers more integrated capabilities and greater efficiency… our character and commitment stand as unfailing constants.
Integrity, excellence, teamwork, and agility define us and the value we bring to every customer. We approach each new requirement with bold solutions, disciplined processes, and world-class support. Success is defined in trust and partnership.
Thank you for the privilege of joining you on your journey, whether it be growing defense readiness or delivering government/commercial success.”
Founded in 1986, PLEXSYS is a modeling and simulation (M&S) software company with 30+ years of delivering Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training readiness solutions and innovation. We are a 100% employee-owned small business, with more than 200 full-time employees plus part-time consultants in nine states and four foreign countries.
Our passion is enabling better training…everyday…across the globe. We are driven to enable our customer’s best readiness and success. Our value is measured by how our people and products add to our customer’s success. We aspire to be your trusted training partner. We deliver solutions that enable live/synthetic blended training events and exercises.
PLEXSYS Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary of PLEXSYS Interface Products, with an office located at the Williamtown Aerospace Center, Newcastle, New South Wales.
The focus of PLEXSYS Australia is serving the needs of the Australian Defence Force as well as enhancing and enabling the best readiness for the Warfighter by making training better and by continuing to assist in inspiring future growth in Live, Virtual and Constructive Training technologies. Our core values; Integrity, Excellence, Teamwork, and Agility, drive everything we do.
PLEXSYS Interface Products UK Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PLEXSYS Interface Products, Inc., located at the Regatta Building, Lincoln. It is the headquarters from which PLEXSYS conducts its UK & EMEA operations and business development.
PLEXSYS in the UK has supported the Ministry of Defence in distributed multi-international exercises since 2009, particularly with the deployment of the Advanced Simulation Combat Operations Trainer (ASCOT) in the Air Battlespace Training Centre (ABTC). Initially supporting the Distributed Synthetic Air Land Trainer (DSALT) programs, ASCOT was pivotal in providing the synthetic environment facilitating an extensive range of distributed exercises. ASCOT is the Computer Generated Force behind the E-3D Rear Crew Trainer (RCT), providing a robust virtual environment to conduct its multi-domain training requirements. PLEXSYS is exceptionally proud to support the RAF’s GLADIATOR program with the E-3D RCT as its first participant.
As the hub for the growth and operations in the UK and EMEA regions, PLEXSYS provides customers with high fidelity training by matching Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) training readiness requirements with innovative PLEXSYS products and world-class support. Our other products, such as Sonomarc, and VADAAR, have been successfully deployed throughout the region, ensuring that all our defence and non-defence customer ambitions are realised.
Supplier Code of Conduct
This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) reflects the standards of conduct required of Subcontractors, Suppliers, distributors, dealers, sales/marketing representatives, intermediaries, agents, partners, consultants, systems integrators, or resellers (collectively “Suppliers”) of PLEXSYS Interface Products, Inc. (“PLEXSYS”) in the delivery of services to PLEXSYS and/or its ultimate customers, including the United States Government (“Government”).